Friday, January 11, 2013

Word Animal

From this lesson, I learned about the art that there is in creating something, particularly an animal in this case,from nothing but the letters that compose that thing and make that thing be called what it is.  I did a lion.  Though there were trials and different opinions concerning the way I designed this project, I learned and progressed and continued until the end.  For this project, I used the letters "l", "i", "o", and "n." I used "l" for the mane of the lion. Very nice if you ask me.  I made the backside of the lion with the "n" - multiple n's to be exact. And the center of the body (as it is laying down) with the "o." The "o" is like the tummy or stomach.  At first, my teacher, Ms. Neal, did not like what I was doing.  For instance, the face was an "o" and it was circular but in the picture it was more elongated, so she suggested I use the "n"s for the face and I did.  To fill in the face I wrote the word "lion" several times.  I made the nose with an "n" turned upside down and an "I" over the "n" to close in the nose.  The mouth consisted of "I"s.  In the end I enjoyed this project and what I learned from it.

At the conclusion of this lesson, my project came out pretty well.  If I had more time, I would try to expand my creativity and do something similar to James' project - his was REALLY good. It made me think less of my own, but I got over that.
Another way I could learn about this lesson is to do more research on typography and animal typography - in general, creating designs and pictures using typography.  Some suggestions that would help me to do better are to do more typography creations such as this so that I might get more practice.

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