Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Intro to Type - Serif

During this project about fonts on November 13, 2012, I learned how fonts were changed, formed, and created.  I got to practice with several different fancy fonts and use different colors. The following steps were  followed from the beginning to the end of the project. I chose ten different fancy fonts and ten different colors.  I type the word "Headline" in that particular font and beside it wrote the name of the font.  I titled my piece, "Serif."  During this lesson, I wasn't sure about which font was serif because I had forgotten that I could press the "Character" button to see each font.  So I had to manually check several different fonts before I found the proper one.  At the conclusion of this lesson, my work was colorful.  It was neat and orderly and had several different serif fonts on it.  I also learned which fonts were "serif" and which ones were not. If given more time, I would not change anything because I am content and completed the lesson. And I like the colorfulness.

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