Thursday, January 31, 2013

Black History Month!

During the Black History Month art lesson on January 29th and 31st, I learned how to use the width tool. I learned how to pinch an object for my desired effect. I learned about opaqueness, transparency, and opacity. Opaqueness is the opposite of transparent.  Whereas with transparency, light can transmit through a substance, with opaqueness, radiant light or energy is unable to pass through a substance or object.  The following steps were followed from beginning to the end of the project. At first I chose a background.  I chose this one because its colors represent Mother Africa - red, green, and yellow. These colors represent courage, valor,earth, fertility, the sun. During this lesson, I wasn't sure about my transparency/opacity nor which font to use nor how I should curl my letters. But I figured things out quite quickly. And at the conclusion of my project I was satisfied.  My art was colorful but I feel as though it expressed its purpose well.  I chose a quote by my great-grandfather, Ernest Everett Just. "We feel the beauty of nature because we are part of nature and because we know that however much in our separate domains we abstract from the unity of Nature, this unity remains. Although we may deal with particulars, we return finally to the whole pattern woven out of these."  It was cool to see my great-grandfather's quotes on the internet along with several other African-American greats.  If I had more time, I don't think I would change anything on my poster.  I am content and happy with its outcome.  Another way we could learn about this lesson is to do a poster on African-American art.  That would be boss.  I have no suggestions. All is well.

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