Monday, October 15, 2012

Powering Up With Technology

I created four thumbnail sketches for my Computer Graphics class.  Each student was to incorporate these things: November 10, 2012/Dr. Henry A. Wise Junior High School/Prince George's County Public Schools/How Do You Power Up Your Learning: Click or Swipe.  I was supposed to use my creative skills to illustrate using a PC or using a smart-device (tablet, nook, android phone, etc.).  I was not allowed to use other company logos, and so I did not.  I spent a Saturday afternoon dutifully making four sketches for an hour and a half. It was a relaxing experience.  My first sketch was one of a computer, keyboard, and mouse along with a radio tower emitting electric rays (to symbolize technology), and a tablet.  My second sketch was originally going to be globe, inside was a computer mouse, a radio tower + signal, and a hand grasping a smart phone.  I changed this from a globe to the sun.  Surrounding this sun I wrote, "How Do you Power Up Your Learning: Powering Up With Technology."  I am most proud of this sketch.  The third sketch was of a chalkboard with the Objective as Powering Up With Technology and Warm -Up being "Click or Swipe?"  There are students sitting in desks.  One using a computer. The other using a tablet.  My last sketch is like an idea web.

Ms. Neal and I chose to use my second sketch, the one with the sun.  During the process of transferring this sketch to Adobe Illustrator, I learned how to use plenty of the tools.  A little bit more practice, and I might be able to pass myself off as "proficient" in Adobe Illustrator (high hopes, high hopes).  I changed my sun using the Shape tool. I used the arc tool on my Click or Swipe text.  I typed on a path.  I grouped my shapes and copied and pasted them using Command + C and Command + V. After many different options, I finally turned in the assignment on Thursday, 11 October 2012.  


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Post #1 Comp Graphics

Graphic Design is a creative process producing visual concepts.  It is a blend of both graphics and text, thus imparting an effective message. Those involved in graphic design depict their messages through drawings, paintings, photography, or computer-generated images. Speaking through the art of graphic design is means to using a universal language in the visual world.  It is seen in books, magazines, forms of media, billboards, and even our own menus.  Graphic design is simply a part of one’s daily life.